The Right CBD Products

Is Cannabidiol Psychoactive?

Non Psychoactive CBD

It is generally believed that cannabidiol is not a psychoactive chemical compound. However, the fact is that it could be considered psychoactive if you go on the strictest definition of the term, ‘psychoactive’. In that case, why does almost every person describe it as a non-psychotropic or non-psychoactive substance? There are reasons for terming it non psychoactive CBD. Read on to find out more about those reasons.

The Meaning Of Psychoactive Can Cause It To Be Described So

CBD is not classified as a psychoactive substance as it lacks the intoxicating effects that are linked to tetrahydrocannabinol. If you look at any list of psychoactive substances, you would find that it contains products such as alcohol, marijuana, LSD, nicotine, heroin, caffeine, and so forth. Most of those are products that can make the user feel stoned out of their mind. Can CBD cause you to feel that way? There is no research-backed evidence to suggest that it can. This is the reason why people mostly describe cannabidiol as a non-psychotropic substance.

Then again, that is not the fact of the matter. The literal meaning of the word psychoactive is mind-altering. That means a psychoactive substance should have an effect on the user’s mind. Does cannabidiol have that effect? Scientific research about CBD’s effects on some mental health conditions shows that it has the effect. Take studies on CBD and anxiety, for instance. As per those studies, cannabidiol has anti-anxiety properties or effects.

Cannabidiol is thought to be capable of interacting with the human brain, thereby producing psychoactive implications.

Does That Mean It Is Risky To Use Cannabidiol?

There is no research with evidence indicating the likely danger of consuming cannabidiol. On the other hand, there is evidence that cannabidiol can modulate the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol.

There may not be much research about this, but experts hypothesize that cannabidiol interacts with our brain-based CB1 receptors to reduce the absorption of THC. That is the mechanism that reduces the level of intoxication from THC. That and many other effects of cannabidiol show that it is more psychoactive than you might think.

Anyhow, research is yet to show any major risk in cannabidiol’s use. Even the World Health Organization says that cannabidiol has no effect indicating that it can cause misuse or dependence. So, it is considered to be safer than the other most active phytocannabinoid from cannabis, namely THC.