How To Clean Your CBD Vape Pens

Benefits Of CBD
Benefits Of CBD

Vaping is one of the most popular and effective ways to derive the benefits of CBD. Some of the best CBD products available for you include CBD vape oil and juice that come with high concentrations of this cannabinoid. Hence, these products are capable of giving you intense effects.

CBD vapors are created from your vape oil using a device called a vape pen, which is a small cylindrical-shaped device that heats the vape oil to produce vapors. Vape pens are small portable devices that can be carried in your purse or pocket so that it will be possible for you to get the benefits of CBD on the go.

Parts Of The Vape Pen

A vape pen consists of several parts including:

Heating Chamber: This is the place where the CBD vape oil or juice is filled. The heating chamber will have a coil that is responsible for vaporizing the oil. This heating coil is the most sensitive part of the vape pen, so if anything goes wrong with this coil, the pen will not work.

Mouthpiece: The mouthpiece is used for inhaling the vapors. The vapors produced in the chamber will reach the mouthpiece so that you can inhale them.

Battery: The battery generates the power that is required for heating the liquid filled in the chamber. This is the part that requires less cleaning and maintenance unless it leaks.

How To Clean Your Vape Pen?

Vape pens can get dirty easily as the residue left behind by the vape juice or oil can stick to different parts of this device. If this residue burns, it can produce toxic vapors. Therefore, it is important for you to keep your vape pens clean.

You can clean your vape pens in four steps that are listed below:

  • Disassemble the parts of your vape pen including the mouthpiece and heating chamber.
  • Soak a few cotton swabs in vinegar. Use this cotton swab to clean the mouthpiece. Make sure to rub it until all the accumulated residue on it comes off.
  • Now you have to clean the delicate parts of the pen including the heating chamber and coil. The chamber will have an oil wick that is detachable in some cases. If it is detachable, make sure to remove it before cleaning. But if it is not, then use the cotton swab to clean it carefully without damaging the oil wick. Avoid water when cleaning your vape pen.
  • Reassemble the parts of the vape pen and clean its outsides with a cloth. Leave the pen to dry before you use it again.

Cleaning the vape pens occasionally can help to derive the benefits of CBD in an effective way.