What Do You Know About CBD Honey Sticks?

Benefits Of CBD Honey Sticks
Benefits Of CBD Honey Sticks

As the name suggests, CBD honey sticks are sticks or straws that are loaded with CBD-infused honey. You can eat the CBD-infused honey directly from the stick or better, you can add it to your favorite beverages. Adding CBD-infused honey to your drinks is very beneficial because you will get a lot of powerful nutrients that are present in CBD and honey. Since they resemble drinking straws, they are commonly known as honey straws.

CBD honey sticks are made up of a blend of CBD obtained from hemp and pure honey. Other cannabinoids found in full-spectrum CBD honey sticks include CBC, CBG, CBN, CBDV, trace levels of THC, flavonoids, and terpenes.

Benefits Of CBD Honey Sticks

CBD honey sticks are extremely convenient to use on the road from a logical viewpoint. They’re also quite handy; you don’t need a dropper or load the cartridge of your vape pen with E-liquid each time you desire to relieve anxiety or pain. Simply unwrap the straw and sip the golden sweetness, or mix with water or any other beverage of your choice, to enjoy CBD honey sticks.

When it comes to health benefits, CBD honey sticks have a lot to offer. Eating CBD honey sticks may help in lowering anxiety levels and reducing psychotic behavior in people with mental health disorders. They could also help in managing sleep cycles. Studies have shown that CBD-infused honey may help in reducing the growth of tumor cells.

Are CBD Honey Sticks Better Than CBD Oil?

Even though both products contain the same active component, they differ in terms of bioavailability, durability of effects, and effectiveness. When deciding between CBD oil and CBD honey sticks, examine your lifestyle – it will be the deciding element. CBD honey sticks could be a wiser alternative as your daily driver if you’re a busy person searching for a swift and low-profile method to get CBD throughout the day.

CBD oil has an advantage over honey sticks in terms of efficacy. CBD oil has a bioavailability of roughly 35%, however oral preparations like honey sticks only have a bioavailability of up to 20%. The amount of an active substance that enters the bloodstream is referred to as bioavailability. Because oral products must first be digested, they have a longer onset. Despite their decreased potency, they do have longer-lasting effects.

Since CBD is delivered slowly into the blood, CBD honey sticks offer the effects of CBD for a longer period when compared to CBD oil and vape pens.